crowd collocations

crowd collocations


Disperse crowd

 Soldiers fired rubber bullets in order to disperse the crowd of protesters who were threatening to storm the embassy.

Attract crowd

Every week Manchester United draw huge crowds. Their last match attracted a record crowd of over 60,000.

Disappear into crowd

 One minute Lily was by our side. The next minute she was gone. We searched and searched, but she had just disappeared into the crowd. She was nowhere to be seen.

Avoid crowd

I want to get into town early on Saturday to avoid the crowds. Shall we meet at 9?

Mingle with crowd

During the match, plain-clothes police mingled with the crowd to try to identify the main trouble-makers.

Control crowd

The police had brought horses and water cannon to control the crowd, but they weren't needed as everyone was very well-behaved.


A large crowd had gathered around the scene of the accident, making it difficult for the ambulance to get through.

2. When the army opened fire, the crowd of protesters scattered. People ran in all directions.

3. Soon after the announcement of the King's death, a crowd began to collect outside the palace.

4. Ten minutes before full-time, the crowd had thinned and the stadium was half-empty.

5. The crowd started to lose interest in the speeches and began to drift away.

6 An excited crowd had congregated around the entrance to the cinema, hoping to catch a glimpse of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman.

Cheering crowd

The President was welcomed enthusiastically by cheering  crowds, chanting Long live the President'.


Angry crowd

The accused man was jostled and shoved by an angry crowd as he left the court. His victims had all been young children.

Assembled crowd

The bishop mounted the platform and began to speak to the assembled crowd. Many had been waiting for hours to hear him.

Well-behaved crowd

Police said that the crowd at yesterday's match were very good-humoured and well-behaved. This was in sharp contrast to the unruly crowd that had caused so much trouble at the previous match.

Panic-stricken crowd

 Ten people lost their lives in a fire in a night-club last night. They were trampled to death as the panic-stricken crowd tried to escape.

Capacity crowd

The Cup Final was watched by a capacity crowd. There wasn't an empty seat in the stadium.



1. If you 'stand out from the crowd', you are different in some way.

With her bright pink coat and hat, the Queen stood out from the crowd around her.

2. If you are 'one of the crowd', you are just like everyone else.

Now that I've left the band, I just want to lead a quiet life and be one of the crowd.

3. Note the following example:

When Robbie Williams appeared on stage, the crowd went wild.

4. Note the verbs which can follow 'crowd'

The crowd just melted into the side streets.

The crowd poured out of the football ground.

The crowd roared its approval.

The crowd cheered I booed I hissed I jeered.

The crowd lined the streets, waving flags.


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