Chance collocations

Chance collocations


give chance

I can do much better. Please give me one more chance and I’ll show you what I can really do.

have chance

I can’t believe how rude Pete was. He snatched the newspaper out of my hand before I had a chance to read it.

miss chance

Don’t miss this chance to buy three of your favorite videos for the price of one.

take chance

You should take the chance to travel abroad while you’re still young.

wait for chance

I had no hesitation in accepting the job in the New York office. It was the chance I had been waiting for.

improve chance

I feel that learning English will improve my chances of working abroad.

need chance

It’s an important matter so I need a chance to think it over before I make a decision.

jump at chance

Do you think I should take the job in Milan?

>Well, if it was me, I’d jump at the chance!

second chance

If you don’t finish this task within the time limit, you will be eliminated from the contest. Nobody gets a second chance.

better chance

Many parents today make sacrifices to send their children to good schools and to university. They want their children to have a better chance in life than they had themselves.

rare chance

This weekend, visitors will get a rare chance to see inside the rooms of the Royal Palace. This is only the second time the king has allowed the public into his private apartments.

equal chance

Handicaps in sports such as golf give people with different abilities an equal chance of winning competitions.

last chance

This is my last chance to pass the entrance examination. It’s my third attempt and I won’t be allowed another chance.

increase chance

Smoking when you are pregnant may increase the chances of damage to your baby.

ruin chance

One careless mistake at work ruined my chances of promotion.

stand chance

At this rate, we don’t stand a chance of getting to the airport on time.

fancy chance

I don’t fancy our chances of beating them. They are a very strong team. They haven’t lost a home game for two years!

rate chance

How do you rate your chances of getting the job?


We only have an outside chance of making the airport on time. The leaves in twenty minutes! (no chance, but maybe!)

Nowadays we have the expertise to ensure that premature babies have an excellent chance of survival. (a very good chance)

It’s only a thunderstorm! The chances of being struck by lightning are a million to one. (a very very small chance)

Fat chance of him coming to give us a hand. He won’t lift a hand to help anybody but himself. (no chance at all)

The team has a fair chance of success this year. (a good chance)


Note the following:

  • Is there any chance of a lift to the airport?
  • Is there any chance of borrowing the car, Dad?

Chance can also mean ‘risk’:

  • If I were you, I’d take a chance and ring her.

It can also mean ‘luck’:

  • It was pure chance we were on the same plane.

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Change collocations

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Challenge collocations

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