Cause collocations

Cause collocations


These underlined verbs mean ‘find’:

The cause of the fire may never be discovered.

The police never actually determined the cause of death.

Investigators have been called in to establish the cause of the plane crash.

Engineers are trying to isolate the cause of the problem.


likely cause

Although they can’t be certain, the investigators think that the most likely cause of the crash was that the driver of the train had a heart attack.

common cause

The most common cause of air accidents is plot error – not mechanical failure.

underlying cause

Although the link is not clear, many politicians believe that unemployment is the underlying cause of a lot of urban crime.

exact cause

We don’t know why my aunt died. The post-mortem will determine the exact cause.

main cause

Speeding is the main cause of road accidents.

real cause

We all know what the inquiry said, but do you think that was the real cause of John’s death?

cause for concern

My grandmother’s failing health is giving us cause for concern. She might have to go into hospital.

cause for alarm

We have run into some severe turbulence, but there is no cause for alarm. Please fasten your seatbelts and remain seated till the ‘fasten seatbelts’ sign has been switched off.

cause for complaint

I have no cause for complaint. The flights, the hotel, the food have all been excellent.

cause for optimism

Following the breakdown of talks, the present political climate gives little cause for optimism.

cause for celebration

Arsenal’s victory in the competition was cause for celebration and the fans partied till about 3 am.

cause of pain

What do you think is the cause of the pain?

matter of cause

It’s all a matter of cause and effect.

cause to complain

I’ve never had any cause to complain.

good cause

She’s never had a day off without good cause.

cause of death

We don’t yet know the cause of death.

fight for cause

Most people want independence and many young men are willing to fight for the cause.

cause of animal rights

These violent demonstrations will do little to further the cause of animal rights.

sympathetic to cause

Anti-smoking campaigners hope the public will be sympathetic to their cause.

money for a cause

I don’t mind giving money if it is for a good cause.


Note the following:

  • I’ve tried everything to get my money back from the company. I’m beginning to think it’s a lost cause.

We use the French phrase – a cause celebre – to talk about a very controversial issue.

If you die ‘of natural causes’, you die of old age – not illness or accident.

You can ‘champion’ a cause. For example:

  • Germaine Greer has championed the cause of feminism.

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