Area collocations

Area collocations


know the area

I’m sorry I don’t know where the high school is. Ask Jane. She knows the local area very well.

tour the area

Buxton is very central and it makes an ideal base for touring the area.

cover the area

The National Park covers an area of some 2000 square kilometers.

police the area

Following the rise in crime, there are calls for more money to be spent on policing the area.

avoid the area

Heathrow does its best to make sure planes avoid flying over residential.

develop the area

The introduction of a good public transport system is essential for developing that area of South Africa.

destroy the area

Fires have destroyed huge areas of forest around Sydney for the second year running.

moved into this area

A lot of new people have moved into this area recently. It meant a big rise in house prices.

over a wide area

Wreckage from the crashed plane was scattered over a wide area.

cordoned off the area

When an old Second World War bomb was discovered in a field, the police cordoned off the area with tape. People couldn’t go back to their houses till it was made safe.

the most run-down areas

I know someone who has a house in a very select area of the city, but he chooses to live in one of the most run-down areas of town!

in the area

A man answering the suspect’s description was seen in the area on the night of the crime.

attract industry to this area

The government is desperately trying to attract industry to this area.

fleeing from area

Thousands of refugees are fleeing from the Wartorn area.

outside the area

Although the murders were all in and around Manchester comes from outside the area.

deprived area

The new scheme will provide special help to poor people living in deprived areas.

surrounding area

The all-day tour takes in Naples and the surrounding area.

immediate area

There are no leisure facilities in the immediate area, so we have to travel across town to the nearest swimming pool.

remote area

The village is in a remote area of the island, accessible only by helicopter or boat.

built-up area

I received a £100 fine for speeding in a built-up area.

restricted area

I’m sorry, I must ask you to leave. This is a restricted area – you need a pass to enter.

disaster area

Following the earthquake, aid is being rushed to the disaster area.

rural area

Bus services in urban areas are excellent, but in rural areas, they are not so good.

special area

There’s a special area at most airports where you can watch aircraft taking off and landing.

reception area

Visitors should wait in the reception area until met by an attendant.

no-smoking area

All restaurants should have a no-smoking area.

play area

Animals are not allowed in the children’s play area.

picnic area

Please remove all litter from the picnic area when you leave.

baggage reclaim area

We had to wait a long time in the baggage reclaim area for our luggage to arrive.


Note the following:

  • After the party the room was a disaster area with dirty plates and glasses lying all over the place.

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Health collocations

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Travel collocations

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