Approval collocations

Approval collocations


give approval

The board of directors talked over the proposal and decided to give it their approval.

need approval

My plans for the new house are complete – now all I need is approval to build it.

show approval

The audience showed their approval by calling for encore after encore, then giving them a standing ovation.

win approval

She desperately wants to win her father’s approval.

seek approval

We’ll have to seek approval from the head office before spending any more on this project.

meet with approval

The council’s plans for new traffic measures have met with the approval of local residents.

full approval

Most guarantees on anything you buy now state that if the goods do not meet with your full approval, you may return them within 30 days of purchase – as long as you still have the receipt!

official approval

You need official approval from the local council before you can build a garage in your garden.

grudging approval

Much against his wishes, the founder of the troubled company was forced to give his grudging approval to the takeover plans.

unanimous approval

Last night’s committee meeting gave unanimous approval to your plan for a new day center for elderly people. There wasn’t even one vote against.

prior approval

The constitution of the USA requires the President to seek the prior approval of Congress for any kind of military action.

widespread approval

Incredibly, the proposed changes to the voting system have met with widespread approval. There have been very few objections.

seal of approval

Last week the government gave its seal of approval to the deal.

roar of approval

There was a roar of approval from the crowd when Nevin was replaced by Beckham.

sign of approval

The children longed for some sign of affection or approval from their mother.

nod of approval


I was pleased when I saw my teacher in the audience giving me a nod of approval.

The architects sent the designs of the shopping center to the planning department for their approval.

When we suggested spending £10,000 on new computers, several people at the meeting nodded in approval.

I’m sorry, I can’t agree to anything without my partner’s approval.

These goods are supplied on approval. That means you can return them if they are not satisfactory.



Notice the large number of adjectives that mean full approval:

  • 100%
  • unqualified
  • wholehearted
  • overwhelming
  • unanimous
  • universal
  • widespread

A decision which has not been fully passed can be subject to the approval of, for example, the board, the council, the government etc.


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