Answer collocations

Answer collocations


receive an answer

Did you receive an answer to your letter?

waiting for answer

We sent a letter of complaint ages ago. Three months later we’re still waiting for an answer.

demand an answer

The managing director demanded an answer. He was furious and wanted to know why things has gone so badly wrong.

give an answer

The Prime Minister promised to give a written answer to the MP’s detailed question.

need an answer

We need an answer immediately. If you can’t give us one, we can’t get on with the job.

be an answer

I rang the bell several times, but there was no answer.

immediate answer

I don’t expect an immediate answer. Think it over and let me know by the end of the week.

honest answer

Just give me a straight and honest answer, and stop trying to evade the question, will you?

final answer

Is that your final answer? If it is, I won’t trouble you much longer.

short answer

The short answer to your question is NO!

detailed answer

They really were very helpful, taking lots of time to give us clear and detailed answers to all our questions.

correct answer

Very often some of these questions have more than one correct answer.

know the answer

If I knew the answer, I’d tell you!

have the answer

Yes, we are aware of the problem. but unfortunately, we do not have the answer.

guess the answer

You’ll never guess the answer in million years! Do you want a clue?

come up with the answer

We’re in trouble if someone doesn’t come up with the right answer soon.

provide the answer

The new accounting system will provide the answers you need in a matter of minutes.

arrive at the answer

We arrived at the correct answer by a process of elimination. We rejected the choices one by one until we only had one left.

simple answer

There is no simple answer to the problems facing the economy. It’s a very complex situation.

long-term answer

Food aid may provide temporary relief to the people of Eritrea, but it is not a long-term answer to the problems facing the country.

wrong answer

I think you’ve put the wrong answer for number 3. It should be 5.25, not 5.52.

only answer

We are unable to treat this condition with drugs. An operation may be the only answer.

obvious answer

I don’t see what the problem is. If we can’t hire a bus, the obvious answer is to cancel the trip.

definite answer

It’s too early to give a definite answer. We won’t be in a position to do so for a couple of days.


Note the following more formal phrase:

  • In answer to your enquiry, we regret to say that we have no vacancies at present.

If someone thinks they know everything we often say that they think they know all the answers.

If a child answers their parent back, they are being rude.

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